
英國格雷登(Graydon UK)在2020年英國CICM信用獎上獲得“創新與技術獎”

倫敦,2020年2月6日 - 商業信息專家Graydon UK因“創新與技術”類別宣布了2020年CICM英國信貸獎的冠軍。


“We are very proud on winning the ‘Innovation & Technology Award’ as it is important recognition of our commitment to continuous development and the application of new information, technology, and solutions in our business”, said Simon Blackwell, Managing Director at Graydon UK. “This award highlights the importance of developing future-proof and innovative solutions so businesses remain at the forefront of their industries, and ahead of the curve on customer due diligence processes. For us, this was a key consideration in the redesign and complete modernisation of our customer portal leading to the creation of Graydon Insights”.

頒獎典禮在倫敦市中心的皇家蘭開斯特舉行,法官小組在行業內收集了公認的名字:阿特拉迪烏斯,裏米利亞,守衛,諾菲爾德健康,敏捷,敏捷,民事法院用戶協會,EDF Energy等。
